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Respite Care

Some extra care for the carers.

Caring for a loved one at home is one of the most important things you can do. Respite with Oryx gives you an opportunity to take a well-earned break, recharge, and take care of your own well-being.

As a respite aged care resident, you’ll enjoy a beautiful private bedroom and ensuite along with all the lifestyle amenities our premier homes and locations have to offer.

Respite is not just about the carer having some time off, it can also be of great benefit to the resident. If you’ve experienced a fall or are recovering from surgery or illness, our short-term respite care services are an excellent solution to immediate care needs.  In many cases, respite allows you to recuperate with specialised nursing support, a nutritionally balanced diet, and access to expert services to boost your recovery.

Respite care is government-funded on assessment and can be organised at short notice for stays from as little as two weeks. To learn more about respite accommodation with Oryx, contact our team.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is residential respite care and how does it work?

Respite care allows the opportunity for an individual to have a short-stay at an Oryx home. Whether this may be to recover and recuperate after surgery or a fall, to give their carer a break or to experience what life is like at an Oryx home.

Respite care residents have access to all of the amenities, meals, support and other lifestyle support services on offer at an Oryx residential care home.

Respite care may be partly government funded on assessment and can be organised at short notice for stays from as little as two weeks. Oryx homes allow for private respite residents without an ACAT (Aged Care Assessment Team) approval.

Contact our team to discuss your options now.

What type of care is respite care?

A respite resident is individually assessed upon entry to determine what level of support may be required during their stay. Both high and Low care respite is available as well as private respite for non-ACAT assessed and approved residents.

Respite residents receive support by registered nurses & qualified carers, access to all amenities and activities on offer. As well as onsite physiotherapy & occupational therapy for rehabilitation, all meals, cleaning and laundry services provided at Oryx homes.

Oryx accepts both high and low care approved residents as well as private, non-ACAT assessed and approved residents.

Who pays for respite care?

A resident who has been assessed and approved for either high or low residential respite care has access to 63 partly Government funded respite days each financial year.

An ACAT assessed and approved resident pays for an out of pocket component comprised by the standard daily care as set by the Commonwealth Government + additional services fees of the home.

Non-ACAT assessed and approved residents aka Private respite residents will be obliged to cover the full cost of their respite stay.

Contact our team to discuss the cost of your respite stay.

Do carers have to pay for respite?

The agreement is made between the aged care home and the resident. Out of pocket expenses are payable by the resident themselves.

Does Medicare cover respite care for seniors?

The Commonwealth department of Services partly funds ACAT assessed and approved residents for residential high or low care respite. Additional fees may apply.

How many days does medicare pay for respite care?

ACAT assessed and approved residents for residential high or low care respite have access to a maximum 63 respite days per financial year. Additional fees may apply.

How do you get respite care?

An individual must be assessed and approved by the local Aged care Assessment Team for residential high or low care respite to receive partly Government funded respite. Residents without an ACAT approval may still be able to gain non-funded / privately funded respite.

Contact your GP or MyAgedCare to discuss suitability or arrange an ACAT assessment.

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